Friday, November 2, 2007

Hoe Down

The Collins Family, a wonderful family at our church, had an amazing hoe down on Wednesday. We had a blast!! Gabe and I competed in the donut eating contest..I won!! Shocker:) Reese wanted to play musical chairs with the rest of the kids but didn't really understand the concept. She just sat in the chair and watched everyone else walk around to the music! She also loved jumping on the trampoline. I was so excited about the cake walk and the square dancing but we had to leave a little early because the kids were ready for bed:) It was a wonderful night of fellowship with our wonderful church family that we love!!


Jen said...

I'm so sorry we missed it! Looks like you had a great time! Congrats on winning the contest :)

The Hackett Family - said...

Go Donut Queen Go! We had so much fun at the Hoe Down. We are so blessed to have the Woodward family in our lives = )

Sarah Cox said...

Thanks for guys are so great. Thank you also for paying for the dinner the other night. So kind of you guys.

I love how you wrote in your profile that you are a helpmate and a mom. Such a great reminder that we are not just "Stay at Home Moms". Our first job is a helpmate to our spouse.

AND...can I mention that a lot of your favorites are my favorites too...Stepping Heavenward, Luther, etc.

Kelli said...

Stace, My lovely friend. Thanks so much for your comments on my blog. It has been one day and I am a little obsessed with it. My mom and dad are so excited because now they can catch up with your family. I love you! Let's talk soon. PS. During the fires Matt and I talked about camping out at your Hacienda. Kelli